The Good Energy - Solar Energy for Energy Transition project benefits from a €1.1 million grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, along with the national financial support from the Republic of Croatia within the Energy and Climate Change Program. The project aims to increase the capacities for renewable energy production in Croatia.
www.eeagrants.hrProgram Manager
Ministry of Regional Development
and EU Funds in Croatia
Project Coodinator
Aleksandar Major
Region of Istria – Regione Istriana
Media Contact
Kristina Lauš
Green Energy Cooperative
The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the project manager and project partners and can in no way be considered to reflect the views of the manager of the Energy and Climate Change Program.
© 2023 Good Energy — SEET