The City of Zaprešić is continuously working on projects that prove its strategic direction towards sustainable development and care for the environment.
Among the more significant projects is the recently opened sports hall of the Antun Augustinčić Elementary School, with a 98.5 kW solar power system to produce energy for cooling, heating and lighting. The School and the Sports and Recreation Center also use solar collectors for water heating.
The development of documentation is in progress for solar PV systems on the building of a local bowling alley and a public building which houses the court, land registry department and cadastral office.
The INTERREG Danube CSSC Lab project plans a demonstration center for integrated solutions for thermal energy from renewable sources. Considering the tendency of the price of natural gas to rise, the plan is, through the cooperation of the City of Zaprešić, Zagreb County, HEP and REGEA, to connect the secondary school to the centralized heating system and build a solar field for the production of thermal energy.
Connecting the school to the centralized heating system will ensure stable and safe energy with predictable prices and a tendency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For Zagreb County and the City of Zaprešić, the realization of such a solar field will ensure the stabilization of heating costs in the entire centralized heating system despite the fluctuations in natural gas prices on the global market, which should result in the increased satisfaction of citizens who will use this service. Such a solar field will be only the second ever example of such technology in Croatia and the first of this size. The successful demonstration of this technology will enable the implementation of this approach in other systems, too.
City of Zaprešić in the Good Energy — SEET project:
The Good Energy — SEET project plans the installation of solar PV systems on three buildings in Zaprešić. With the realization of this project, the City of Zaprešić will have four installed solar PV systems on city buildings, with a total electricity production of 330.3 kW.
City Administration Building
• Installed capacity: 71,42 kW
• CO2 reduction: 18.052,89 TPY
Vrtuljak Kindergarten
• Installed capacity: 85,60 kW
• CO2 reduction: 22.048,66 TPY
Ljudevit Gaj Elementary School
• Installed capacity: 74,78 kW
• CO2 reduction: 17.784 TPY
Project Manager for the City of Zaprešić:
Tin Slatković